Inclusion Works Holds InclusiveU Networking Breakfast

employer chatting with inclusiveU students

The InclusiveU Business Engagement Group held its 2024 Inclusion Works Networking Breakfast on May 9, 2024, inviting the local business community to Syracuse University’s Martin J. Whitman School of Management to meet with graduating InclusiveU students.

Now they are graduating, InclusiveU students are looking for integrated, meaningful employment—just like any other college student. The breakfast enabled the students to meet with prospective employers in a relaxed atmosphere, as they prepare for the School of Education Convocation on May 11.

Through Inclusion Works, InclusiveU alums have been hired by Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, Stanley Steemer, YMCA, Skyline, and more. Graduating from college raises the employment rate of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities from 31% to 65%.

Among “dream jobs” for this year’s graduates are sports marketing, film production, childcare, and library and medical services.