

Please note that all of these videos have closed captioning, but most do not have audio description.

What’s it like to hire someone with an intellectual disability?

What is Academic Inclusion?
The model for InclusiveU

What is the role of a campus mentor at InclusiveU?

Organizations and Conferences

  • 2022 State of the Art Conference on Higher Education and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities – Taishoff Center is proud to host this year’s conference at Syracuse University.
  • JIPE (Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education) – This is the first academic Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education, launched by The Taishoff Center and The Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities at George Mason University.
  • Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD)– An organization for professionals working in college disability services offices. Includes information and research about disability services.
  • College Navigator – The US Department of Education website for students who are choosing a college or applying for financial aid. After 2011, the website will also include information about colleges’ disability services offices.
  • Autistic Self Advocacy Network -Works to educate communities, support self-advocacy in all its forms, and improve public perceptions of autism. ASAN’s members and supporters include Autistic adults and youth, cross-disability advocates, and non-autistic family members, professionals, educators, and friends.
  • Affordable – Resource guide on Scholarships and Financial Aid available to students with Disabilities
  • PACER Center – An organization for parents, run by parents of children with disabilities.Includes  publications and resources related to transition planning for life after high school, including college.
  • National Center on Secondary Education and Transition – A national center with information about the transition to life after high school. Includes resources for students, parents, and professionals.
  • Think College! – Promotes college options for people with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities.