State of the Art Conference on Inclusive Postsecondary Education and Individuals with Intellectual Disability

October 21-22, 2025
Syracuse, NY

The State of the Art Conference (SOTA) provides provides opportunities for colleges, universities, researchers, program staff, parents and self-advocates to learn about the current state of research and practice in the field of inclusive postsecondary education, and to network with each other. Conference speakers include faculty and staff from postsecondary education initiatives, parents, self-advocates, and other experts—sharing effective practices and leading group discussions.

The parallel Student Leadership Conference brings current and prospective college students into the conversation with opportunities to learn useful tools for the transition to college life, expand their skills as student advocates and leaders, and meet peers from across the country.


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Sponsors and Exhibitors

We are dedicated to fostering authentic inclusion for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) in higher education and the broader community. This commitment extends to actively seeking exhibitors who align with this mission. SOTA seeks sponsors and exhibitors who prioritize the experiences and voices of the disabled community.

Support #SOTA 2025: 2025 SOTA Conference Sponsorship Guide

Interested in becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor at State of the Art? Contact conference manager Kristin Sheehan at

Thank you to our generous 2024 sponsors


app state reich college of education scholars with diverse abilities program

 think college inclusive higher education networkThink College National Coordinating Center

george mason university life program syracuse university school of education center on disability and inclusion

U N C greensboro integrative community studies national down syndrome congress logo


ruby's rainbow rocking that extra chromosome association of university centers on disability
 the arc north carolina special olympics unified champion schools U C F florida center for students with unique abilities SU Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Additional Exhibitors

  South Carolina Inclusive Postsecondary Education Consortium

All InEquip