315.443.​4058 taishoffcenter@syr.edu 300 Huntington Hall, Syracuse NY 13244

End of Semester Get Together


May 14, 2021    
12:00 pm-3:00 pm


In-Person Location: Huntington Hall Commons

Virtual Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89474168735?pwd=d2NtWXpSWlAxKzdlNFlXeDVkdTlTZz09

Meeting ID: 894 7416 8735 Passcode: xNb36v

Come to chat with friends and talk about hopes for next semester. Andrew Dingel will be hosting the event from 12-3 so drop by for some fun and stay for as long as you would like to. It will be both virtual and in person.